Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Last Blog of 2008
2008 was a quite a good year for me. I was introduced to blog and as matter of fact now, I'm so called an experienced blogger. Blogging does improved my English vocabulary and just to pour out my thoughts and feelings of what I'm gone and going through life. It had left me a few friends, which they had shared their thoughts and gave me encouragement.
I became an aunt too, missed my niece. The last time I saw her when she was 2 weeks old. Boy, it does make me feel old and mature to be an aunt.
I met my boyfriend. Little did I know that we think alike, our desires were same and we had so much things in common. And he knew my best friend's brother way back in high school. Talk about weired or fated!
During times of adversity, I gained a closer relationship with Him. He was the one who held my head and hand when I was in storm's of life. I clinged on to His promises and lived by it. We begin to understand each other more each day.
Well, let's not look backwards but what is ahead. Good memories we keep but bad ones we diminish. Let's take on good strife for the new coming year!
P/S Happy New Year 2009 everyone! Don't drink and drive. But if you are not sober, take a cab home instead.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Is There Sanctity of Marriage anymore?

One of the thing I feared most is being married. I know it sounds corny, but.....
I always dream about a happy marriage, a good and loving wife to my husband and a good mother to my children. Together, we will grow old still loving each other. Gone were the days when couples stayed together throughout the marriage.
I've been hearing true life stories of marriages being broken up. Even 2 of my cousins their marriages were dissolved. Infidelity top most of the break up, follow by financial, communication problems and eventually lots of disagreement. The worst is when the break up involves children. It's like one day the love between husband and wife just died. Most times, I wonder in the beginning of the relationship, was there so much pretence until when there is realization, then is it too late?
I know that marriage is the most hard work of a relationship. My parents was married for 35 years and still going. There were many loving arguments between them.
I definitely would like to get married to my boyfriend someday, but after knowing and hearing these break ups, I lost faith.
At the moment, I'm not ready for marriage. I need to reassure myself first.
P/S Happily married couples out there, I need lots of encouragement on this. Will appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Couldn't wait for Christmas

Yeeahhh, yipee, it's another 10 days to Christmas. All I want for Christmas is not my two front teeth..... It's another year for festivities with lots of eating, giving and receiving presents. As for me, this year I was given a free gift. It's a whole body slimming treatment worth RM320.00. Couldn't not wait to use it. I'm going to enjoy be pampered and messaged by the slimming experts.
Christmas is not the only time to celebrate with Christmas tree, food and gifts. It's indeed a joyous time of great celebration for Christians. It's the time when Jesus Christ was prophesied to be born of Virgin Mary two thousand years ago. He came to forgive our sins and reconciled mankind relationship with God.
I believed that Christmas has became too commercialised. They have lost it's true meaning of Christmas. Without Jesus Christ be born two thousand years ago, I don't think we will celebrate Christmas today.
P/s While you are celebrating Christmas this 25th, just do remember it's Jesus wonderful birthday. Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Good, Sad & Tragic

During the long weekend, was a good, sad and tragic. It was good; I went for a shopping spree from Friday to Saturday. Bought a couple of blouses and a dress for RM230.00. Had a sumptious dinner with my sis coupled with chesse cake from Secret Receipe. Total dinner costs was RM63.00. What the hell?! Enjoyed the fruit of my labourlah! The next day, I woke up early to wash and wax my car. And thanks to the hard work of washing and waxing, I was sweating, no need for any extra exercise. I had my chance to enjoy a solid one hour conversation with my boyfriend in the morning wee hours.
It was sad that my dear friend, who's from Europe left on Monday back to his hometown. Might not see him again. Miss him much, tough.
It was tragic when fourteen bungalows in Bukit Antarabangsa were buried in landslide which claimed 5 lives. It could have been avoided if the area was condone off not to build anymore housing projects. The area was only 1.5km away from the Highland Towers tragedy which struck 15 years ago.
P/s An overview of the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide tragedy
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Count Your Blessings
A steady job that rewarded me with an increment and a one month bonus, a 10 year old car which I can travel as far to Ipoh, three meals I will have everyday, my parents that are able to travel to see their children once in a blue moon even though they're in their sixties, an apartment to stay, close friends to have their shoulders to cry on, my boyfriend who's willing to be there for me even though he's thousand miles away, my sister who has been part of my life ever since birth and most importantly I'm debt free except for credit card payments.
Sometimes, in life we want more than we have. It's okay to have all these wants, but do stop for a while, what about the things you have now? We sometimes forget to count our little blessings.
Take for an example; as times are bad now, what will happen if you lose your job one day? I know it's going to be tough to lose your main income. What will you do then? Doing other things of which is not your main core just to get your income going?
I have a friend who is thankful of getting a simple three meals a day even though she stays in an luxury apartment. She's not stingy but she's just only appreciating and counting her blessings.
As the worst is yet to come for the economy, I'm living my life prudently and count the little blessings that I have, not in terms of monies only but also in love and relationship.
P/s Be contend. Just count the blessings that you have.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanks for the Blogs
Blogging is fun especially, when I'm linked to different websites of blogger. From Christian blog to blogs that talked about technical stuff, health, food, environmental, everyday stuff and even sex.
My knowledge have increased since I've been learning and capturing these kind of facts.
My feelings are open whenever I blog much to the chagrin that my blog will be read by millions.
Blogging have made me close to certain people.
Cas, you are always looking so sweet in your photos. I loved your quirkiness. Hope to meet you in person one day.
Eugene, you always been my guardian angel on earth. You are so true to your feelings towards the things that happened. Thanks for your comments and advice.
Claire, your blog remains me my hometown, Ipoh, especially the food.
Abraham, your blog really inspires me whenever my spirit is down. Always looking forward to read whenever my soul is thirsty.
I will keep on blogging as long as it takes. It doesn't matter if only a handful of people read. I will blog to keep in touch of my feelings.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My 35th B'day

Monday, November 10, 2008
I felt really bad that Sat 8/11/08, knowing that he's gonna lose me as one of his customers after receiving 15 boxes of stationery ordered and arranged from my hq.
As he has mentioned in his blog(http://bold-talk.blogspot.com/), Blogging makes me happy, despite...; he's going to lose me as one of his big customer. Times are bad now and I truly want to support him in terms of business. But, sometimes, there are things that are beyond my control.
My boss is trying to resolve by letting my hq knows about the inconvenience of getting supplies from KL which they would not support after sales esp, the printer toners and the 30% price different comparatively.
P/S Eugene, I sincerely do hope that in next months to come, the business will be yours again.
Will pray for you on this. Believed in the power of prayer!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
These 3 Words
My mom often tell me she loves me, but it's hard for me to reply the same way. I know she really means it.
Being Asian upbringing, I think it's normal for us (this is intended for Asian only) to reciprocate our love. Maybe we are thought to be less expressive in our words but more in our actions. Reassurance of words will motivate one's soul.
It's true; Saying without acting is baseless. What is love? How do we act on it when we say I love you? Part of concept of love involve feelings, which are true. But I would like to share another part of it.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
I hope that our concept of loving and whenever we say I Love You, we will love the person wholly and totally.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hot and Spicy

Monday, October 20, 2008
Feeling The Pinch!
Like for example, a large Natural marjerin costs RM9.5o each much compared with RM6.50 two years back. It just went up by 30%! I wonder, whether, the price would go up to RM10.
My friend, she usually takes the same brand of 2 in 1 pack coffee, the price was same but the suppliers downsized the packaging. Even, nowadays, you can hardly buy economic rice for the price of RM3.oo. It's not economy anymore!
Today, I went to the bank and draw another RM1K to last me just another 2 weeks. I was wondering, what happened to the last RM1K I drew on the 3rd Oct? After deducting, my insurance, bills and credit card payments, there should be enough. It shows that our monies value have became small, I'm already feeling the pinch.
Even though the government declares that we are not facing any financial crisis and recension, I could not agree more.
I think it's a ten years bad economy karma!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Stay faithful.....
It's really hard to maintain and be faithful to a long distance relationship with my bf. I'm trying my best. I mean, I could have say yes to this older guy, but in my heart there's only place for my boyfriend.
I really miss my bf. Each waking hours (when I'm not working), I will be thinking of him. Counting the days I will meet him. Sometimes, I just wish, he's by my side at all times. Well, i guess that sometimes in life, you just can't have everything.....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
19 Hours Stretch
During Sept 09, when her department is supposed to submit the reports, she was away due to the demise of her father in law, resulting a 2 weeks delay.
I pitied my colleagues. Today, when I see them, their faces were ashen and dead tired. After all, they only sleep an hour or so. Imagining stretching your mentally and physically for 19 hours!
My boss should compensated them by giving them a half day leave, which she did not!
P/S Hey, we are only mere human, we have limits. Even machine will be overloaded if they worked overtime.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Relationship-Can u or can't u live w/o it?
I thought that it wouldn't happen to me, this love triangle. This second guy is very persistent no matter how hard I decline him. I could have liked this guy, but I've just have this stigma back in my mind, he's much older and there won't be any future. I'm saving my Asian face and not to let down my parents about this issue, you know how Asian thinks?!
Actually, he has been away for the last week, and I was like missing him for a few days. But eventually my feelings faded as time passes.
As for my boyfriend, things have been a little bit slow between us. Can't blame the situation, we are living thousand of miles apart, and both of us are working people. The only time we can talk is on Sundays. Yeah, we do miss each other, just wish that we are 24/7 there for each other but we are keeping vigil till the day we meet.
Sometimes, I feel that I want to be alone; not to be involved in relationship. But I fear of being alone.
It's strange and funny how one perceived relationship. Clearly, people are more demanding and take advantages of each other when they are near, but when you are far away, at least there will be more appreciative.
One thing I can say is right now, I'm going to be faithful to my boyfriend, (am I a fool, hope not, maybe a fool in love!) because I believed it pays.
P/s My boyfriend is coming over in Feb 09. I just can't wait to meet him.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Peak Season
So, friends please do bear with me. Do keep blogging away, ok!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Will all singles pls stand up?
I'm single but thank God I'm attached. I still dream of settling down, be a good housewife if my husband permits, a mess up hair mom with no makeup on chasing and screaming my kids. I need someone to share all my life with. Who doesn't?! Watching my kids grow up and grow old together with my husband. I know that I may sound cliche, but is it this the life every single desire for?
I talked to some of the marriage ones and said that they will dream of being single again. Maybe frustrations of being married drove them to say this. I see some of my friends who are married and became new parents, they will be lounging bags of diapers, milk, water and foodstuff! I'm sure that they will be not complaining! But back of their frustrations and desperation, they are beaming with joy. Pride of their family!
Of course being a single there's not much sacrifice to make, after all you are surviving on your own. But fear of loneliness will creep in.
So, singles if you are still searching for your perfect mate, do keep on searching. If not, explore the world and live life to the fullest! Is not the end if you are still single! I think it's cool! Long live single hood!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Zzzzz.... Is not enuff 4 me!

Monday, August 25, 2008
Life Is....

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Break Away

I think I will use fully tomorrow to sleep in to let my body recover. Rest is best.
Just wish that I’m on an island surrounding by palm trees and waves lapping watching the sunset.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Childhood Games
What happen to good old fashion games? I was reminiscing with my boyfriend, godbrother and sister and they all agreed that all these games have lost their purpose.
I remembered way back in school. I played the five or six stones, rubberbands jumping rope, hope scotch, kala panjang and police & thief. And also, card games, like Happy Family and Snap. Anyone of you could remember these games?
In the evening, I will catch grasshoppers and sometimes spiders with my neighbour. The excitement of catching these creatures and put them in bottles or matchboxes. Those days were truly an enjoyable childhood days for me.
I wonder, now these computer children, do they get all the excitement from the games they are playing?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Holy Faith

Friday, August 1, 2008
Privavy Intrusion - Part 2
So, I finally shifted my computer again away from the camera's view.
Privacy Intrusion - Part 1
I was very upset and annoyed. The management can monitor every movement of me and even every word I typed on the screen. It's like someone standing behind you watching your every move, breathing down your neck.
The only thing that I can do is I shifted my computer from the complete view of the camera.
I breath a sigh of relief today, after finding out that the camera will only be installed at the entrance of the door. So I shifted my computer back at it's original place.
Many of my colleagues were upset because they feel that they are being restricted. It's no different from being in a prison. Where's the freedom of working anymore?
Technology can be so advance that sometimes it defeats the purpose.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Back to my hometown

Today, Im back at Ipoh, my hometown which I was born and schooled before moving to the Pearl of Orient. Im home visiting my folks and my newly born niece. She's cute alright. Everyone is excited and doting around her.
As the bus was driving to the bus stop, I looked out. To me, Ipoh has not changed drastically ever since I remembered in spite of the new highway and some developed new township. Life here is slow, compared to the hustle and bustle in Penang.
Back in the old days as far my geography lesson can take me, Ipoh is famous for mining. Ipoh is also famous for its local food. The gha choi kai (chicken rice with bean sprout), kai see hor fan (rice noddle with soup), kai chai peng (chicken biscuit), the pamelo and the ever famous white coffee. Funny though, I rarely consumed all this food when I was in Ipoh.
Im glad that Im back; to escape the crazy and busy life in Penang.
Maybe I will come back and retire in this slow town.
p/s The picture that I posted is a municipal townhall building in Ipoh.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Met a saint
He once stopped a friend of his from jumping off Penang bridge even he found out that his friend cheated some of the student's monies. (His friend was a lecturer).
He has this nature that he want to just help people, regardless of gender and background.
Lately, I've approached him and shared some of my problems with Mr Saint. I feel at ease everytime I poured my problems to him.
After talking to Mr Saint and the assurance he gave, I felt better, and before leaving I just told him that I met a saint today.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Im stressed Out!
Last past few days, I've been very stressed out, usually for me is either work or relationship.
My boyfriend is in US and currently we are trying to stay alive and well.

For this 2 days, I've been very upset of silly little procedure that I've had to adhere to my company's law. It seems that sometimes, why do I need to follow?! Afterall, I don't need to but if I don't, I will be label as an outcast. I hate being in the middle!
To those who's reading my blog, maybe my problems are little teenny bit. I know there are some out there, the problems are really like HUGE. I still respect those who can thro with life over this.
I guess life has it's ups and downs. Sigh! Just wish it will all go away tomorrow.
I am going to bang my head on the wall tonite, NOT!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Yeah! I'm An Aunt, finally

Friday, June 13, 2008
Goodbye Mr Bala
Sometimes, it take a tragedy to perk me up. Embrace, learn to appreciate and love the people around you. You might never know that you won't be here tomorrow. Live life to the fullest.
Goodbye Mr Bala, may you rest in piece. We at Taman Seri Damai, really going to miss you. May your spirit continue to watch over us.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dig deeper into pockets

After this madness, the government announced the next day in the papers, electricity tariff was to increase. Furthermore, transportation organisation demanded an incease because of the petrol hiked. Prices of essential items like rice, soybean, wheat and even noodles have drastically went up of another 10%.
The mere salary that we are earning barely can cover these hike up prices. Even though, there are salary increaments, it only can cover these expenses. So, we really can't seems to enjoy the fruit of our labours. Economically, it's hitting everyone. Even a loaf of wholemeal bread costs RM4.00.
How much prudent can we get?
Our money value is getting smaller. Our purchasing power is diminishing.
Well, I think it's best I moved to a cave, hunt of the animals, eat of the leaves and shrubs, back to the basic.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The 10 Commandments of Work

Friday, May 23, 2008
Sexy Baju Kurung?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Online Dating Blues

I've been bugged by my godbrother, Eugene for not updating my new blog entries. Lately, I've been caught up over another craze, online dating. So I decided to enter this topic; at least Eugene won't bugged me for the time being.
Little did I know that I was an attraction to a seas of men out there. From as far as Nepal to Switerland to our local home. Funny though, most of the "visitors", I got were from India & Pakistan. Maybe because they fancy the fairer skin? Truthfully, most of them are not sincered. Looks can be really deceiving.
The handsome whites, they sweet charmed talk me and most of them claimed to be single. Are they for real? Even the handsome hunk from England proposed to me. Eventually, he ask to lent some cash after his so called proposal which I was not a fool to do so. There are some who tend to ask the most intimate questions. These guys are really daring, maybe it's because behind the computer screen; they simply ask out of respect?
But, there are some who are sincered. This guy from US, has been calling me a couple of times and we are on a good start. I might never know that it will tum out more than a friendship. I do enjoy flirting and being flirted by all these men. It's a good clean fun!
Ps This photo of this hunk that I posted was a total jerk. He asked me to sponsor part of his air flight ticket to come and see me. But I still drool over his pic.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Fool's Galore

Friday, May 2, 2008
WoNdERs of iNteRnet

Monday, April 28, 2008
Kristy, where art thou?

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Would you give her a rose?

Mothers are borned to nag so it seems. I believed it is for the good of us. They are "trained" to correct us by their wagging of tongues.
I was reading an article People column in the STAR paper dated 17 April 2008 regarding Mrs Retha McPherson's heroism. Her son of 12 years, Aldo was struck in an accident leaving him paralysed, comatose and severely damaged his brain 4 years ago. The doctors gave up hope on Aldo telling that he will be in a vegetarian state. But Mrs Retha did not give up hope; she took and nursed his son back. Although he did not recovered fully, now Aldo managed to be functional even though he has a slight twitch. Because of the great and sacrificial love Mrs Retha has for Aldo, she never gave up hope of not losing his son. I was inspired and moved to tears.
Ironically, I am now reading a "childhood" memoir, Ugly by Constance Briscose. She's a black British; was physically and emotionally abused by her own mom. Her mom abused her because she was born ugly. Does she asked to be born ugly? The pain she suffered compels me. I was thinking, how could her own biological mom does all these? I felt pity for Constance yet full of rage for her mom.
I know that every mom would loved their children, only to some that escaped from their responsibilities.
Now you decide; there are good and bad moms, but they are still our MOM. Without them, we won't be here.
Give your mom a hug and tell you loved her; in spite the flaws she has, she's only human.
As mother's day is less than 3 weeks, would you give her a rose?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Of Apple Pie and Cheese Cake - Part 2
I definately will try their cheesecake next time.
Of Apple Pie and Cheese Cake - Part 1

This incident brings down memory lane. The happier time with my siblings making home made apple pie way back in my hometown. We wouldn't mind making the kitchen dirty, just the joy of making the pie. Which brings all hungry stomach were filled once the apple pie was out from the oven hot and ready.
Oh boy, I couldn't wait no more. I'm going down to La Manila to satisfy my craving.
Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008
First Time

Take care and love.