Sunday, February 7, 2010

But then again...

I thought I'm going to have a sweet and wonderful Sat with my boyfriend but then again...

I text him yesterday whether we can meet and he replied that he was caught in his job again. His working in Kulim Hi Tech in a semiconductor factoey as an equipment engineer. He carries heavy responsibility of being in charged of nine mechanical robots. Whenever the robots are down, he has to be there.

And even, Sunday today, the breakdown issue is not resolved yet.

I hated each time whenever the robots are down and we couldn't see each other on the weekend. The weekend is the only time we can meet as we are staying in different town, I'm in Penang and he's in Kulim.

Aaargh, sometimes I wish he can screw his job. Sorry for the language here...

But then again, as his girlfriend, I must not be selfish and need to understand his job responsibility.

Ps. I wish I could meet him every week and holiday, but then again....


Unknown said...

ask him dont be a robot lah.........................

Unknown said...

Don't worry, Jessie, you will get to see him soon.
No point seeing him if his mind is on the job,right?
I am used to busy men.
always another time.