Just as Deepavali celebration is over and to some who are still celebrating, my heart goes out to this man.
He was alone during this Deepavali. We met when we took the same lift on the said day. I was thinking, how come he did not return home for Deepavali? I did not pose the question.
I kept wondering why was he still here? Does he not want to return to his hometown? Or did he deliberately not wanting to return? He's staying with a divorcee as maybe returning would bring much shame.
He's my neighbour staying across my apartment unit and for a few years he's has not been returning to his hometown since he has relationship with his divorcee girlfriend.
Ps. I don't know about his predicament but I think he should return to his hometown.
May be he had called his home his hometown as well,,,,
Eugene:Maybe so.
jessie: thanks for droping by at my site! Guess this man got other plan?
Sometimes, the better way to avoid feeling the pain is not returning home at all.
Anonymous:But I "think" he's a Hindu.
Angeline:You are welcome. Maybe he has other plans in mind.
Chubs:Think you are right.
Could be various reasons.Or maybe he's just having a small do with his gf.
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