My throat suddenly feels itchy morning and I've been coughing since then. I know that it's a sign my cough is starting.
At the time of this writing, my nose starts to sniffle and I'm experincing body aches and chills.
Definately a cold is coming. Will take cough medicine and turn to bed early tonight.
That means no cold water at this moment. There are some Chinese taboos that I need to adher to; no eating certain fruits and no chicken after I'm healed.
But no chicken?! That's impossible!
Ps. Maybe, I'll skip my shower tonight....
Hi Jessie, regret to read you not well. If you have not, get yourdself a packet of 'Hor Yan Hor' herbal drink. Its made in Ipoh....drink 2 very warm cups and you'll feel better.
As well drink Chinese green tea....
Wishing you a speedy recovery, keep a song in your heart, Lee.
Hi Jessie!! hope that colds will go away soon! Drink plenty of water :)take care.
take care Jessie...
Uncle Lee:Thanks for your tip. Will try some chinese herb tea.
Rocks & Renaclaire:I will drink lots of warm water and take cough medicine.
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