Let it be my 135th and the last post of the year 2009. 2009 the year was full of surprises yet lots of downs.
I've took the risk of tending in my resignation after CNY not even securing a job first. During that time, there was an worldwide economy crises and people were being laid off, and here I was quitting my job. I was desperate of taking any job to make ends meet. You could say, I ask for it, lol. Thought of setting up a education business but short of cash and afraid of failure.
The two months was hell to me. I sought Him and He answered me. Got a job and which I've changed to a better one after 2 months.
I ended my long distance relationship with my ex boyfriend which I thought I could carry for another year. I was struggling in this relationship because of the distance. Hoping it will work out but it did not.
"When a door close, another door will open. Not too soon, I met my current boyfriend and our relationship is 4 months.
I became an aunt to another niece and a sister-in-law to my brother's wife recently. I'm glad for additions to my family.
My skin have improved tremendously, I'm taking hormone pills to balanced my hormone. I don't have to get frustrated over any more acne breakout anymore.
H1N1 was on our shore this April and thought I was contracted it after having bout of flu and cough during that season. Whew, thank God, it was only an ordinary flu!
This year I met few new bloggers. They are Rose, Shakira and Rena. Thanks for the drop bys, your encouragement and comments.
Ps. Good riddance 2009! Welcome 2010!