Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One Month Anniversary

As of tommorow, the 15th is my first month with the new company I'm attached to. For this one month, I've learned and grasped as many things I can. Tons of new informations were poured into my mind like water and I can only absord 40%.

With the practical use of the info, my knowledge of my work have increased to 15% as days passed by.

My office only consists of 4 people which means less gossipd and office politics. My office boy is of an emotional roller-coster guy, my business manager will analysis ad-hoc situations before giving his final word, and my boss of course overseas the whole operation.

P/s I've nothing much to say at this point as I'm still a baby in this place.


The Mrs Blogs said...

Happy one month anniversary then. I reckon your office is like mine - we only have 4 people here so yes, it's real nice to be in a gossip free small environment :)In due time you'll be very experienced :)

S-H-Y said...

Happy one month anniversary to you. Anyway I met my husband through dating site last 2005. I thought you have seen my husband in my previous post hehehe..

Unknown said...

Keep up the good works, sister..

and remember girls just want to have fun,,,,,,

shiok betul

Lindz said...

well done, and keep up the good work