Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2nd Chances

My assistant CEO was warded in the hospital for a major heart surgery last week, he went through a bypass operation.

During the operation, there was complications due to bleeding internally and his heart stopped beating. Doctors resuscitated him back. He died few minutes.

He was given a second chance to live had it not the hand of Almighty that moves.

Many times, I had brush of death but this incident I can remembered vividly. I was fresh out receiving my driving lesson and I still needed lots pf practical driving.

My late grandfather sat besides me watching me drive. He will take me to Jelapang highway for the driving. I was negotiated a bend,I did not slam on the brake.

Realising that the vehicle was going fast, my late grandfather shouted "brake". I slammed on the brakes and my car was hanging on the ledge.

If I have not slam on the brakes, my car could have plunged down together with my grandfather to the heavens.

Thank God for his mercy, I was given a second chance.

Ps. Have you been given second chances to live?


Cas said...

Yes I have, got stuck on top of a roller coaster in Gentings when I was 18. Thought I was going to die but here I am!

suituapui said...

I have been lucky, praise the Lord...but if I were to go, I would want to just drop dead. Don't want all this suffering, being bedridden operations...medications and treatments...but of course, it's all in God's hands. Can only pray that He be merciful.

Reanaclaire said...

gosh..that was close shave!

Unknown said...

I keep my fingers cross all the time, and Lord my life is your hand,,, do what you want with it...


sexy jessie said...

Cas:Gosh, that's must be very scary for u!

STP:I would choose to drop dead too if given a choice. Don't want the suffering, though.

sexy jessie said...

Claire:Yeap, that was close.

Eugene:Amen, brother. The Lord is with us.

Unknown said...

Jess: Same to my hubby. He met with an accident last Wednesday. Thank God, really I am, as he still in 1 piece and we can celebrate this Chinese New Year together.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Your experience is scary, I hope I won't experience that.

sexy jessie said...

Angeline:Thank God that you and your hubby are ok and safe.

Chubs:I hope you will not, the will to live is in your hand.